Google’s mobile OS “Android” has been making appearances on quite a few devices lately. So far in the US the only official Android device that has been released is the T-mobile G1. Since the G1’s debut, quite a few people have been porting the OS to work on several other platforms. Being the OS is open source and has the ability to run on pretty much anything that can already run linux, I’m sure we will start to see a ton of dual booting devices in the near future. I’ve compiled a small list of current devices that have been able to boot the Android software successfully. With the latest news, it seems Android is not just limited to cellular devices but has been made to work on full fledged pc hardware as well. I know I’ll be crossing my fingers for an Android / iPhone dual boot package.
Video of Android running on HTC Touch (Verizon version only)
Link to project blog can be found here
Android running on an Asus eee 701
Project blog can be found here
Android running on an Asus eee 1000
Project blog can be found here
Video of Android running on a Nokia N95
Story can be found here
China based company HKC will be the first to release a dual booting Windows mobile 6 and Android phone.
More details can be found here
Video of Andriod running on an HP mini-note 2133
Story can be found here
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